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Knit together by the Creator, mom and baby

All life is inherently valuable and sacred to our Creator. And yet, our society has chosen to devalue the life of every human born and unborn. She is told that to end her pregnancy is “healthcare” and her right. She hears the precious baby growing inside her is a “clump of cells” or “products of conception.”

She must learn that a miracle-working God wove those cells together in the depths of the earth. At the moment of conception, a flash of light burst forth, and a new life began. She must hear the truth with grace and compassion and see the proof through our life-affirming services.

When a woman enters our doors, she immediately feels love and acceptance. No matter her circumstances or her choice, she is given the care and compassion she deserves. She receives no-cost pregnancy services, factual information about all of her options, including abortion, and the assistance she needs to make a life-saving decision.



Download 2025 Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Video

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday began in 1984 when then President Ronald Reagan designated January 22 be set aside to celebrate God’s gift of life, commemorate the many lives lost to abortion, and commit to protecting human life at every stage – from conception to natural death. This date was selected because on January 22, 1973 – the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions were handed down by the United States Supreme Court, making abortion legal in all 50 states.

January 2025 commemorates the 41st year our nation has observed the sanctity of human life, and the need to pray for a culture of life in our community and our nation is still vitally important. Abortions, especially chemical abortions, continue to occur – even in states where abortion is now illegal.

The Alaska Legislature legalized abortion in 1970, making Alaska one of a handful of states to do that before Roe v. Wade was decided, so even after the overturn of Roe v. Wade, abortion remains legal in our state at any point of pregnancy.

The women and men facing unplanned pregnancies need a safe place of help, hope and support and CPC is here to provide that to them.

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday continues to be recognized by most churches on the third Sunday in January – and usually the Sunday closest to the date these court decisions were handed down. It is annually commemorated by thousands of churches and individuals who want to stand for Life.

If you are interested in having someone speak at your church, in person or through video (pre-recorded or zoom), please contact us to schedule a speaker.

Free Resources

Four Helpful Scripture References for Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

Use these scriptures to reflect on during the month of January.

31 Ways to be Pro-Abundant Life

Here are 31 ways to for you to live out the Pro-Abundant Life in your community.

CPC Videos

Videos you may download, including our 2025 Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Video.

Video, Music, Blog and Article Resources

 A collection of sermons, videos, music, blogs and articles to help in communicating about the Sanctity of Human Life.

Four Gospel-centered, Non-political Things Every Pastor can do to Decrease the Impacts of Abortion

An excellent resource from Care Net.

Downloadable E-Books

Why We Must Be Pro-Abundant Life

Why We Can’t End Abortion Without Discipleship

Is the Pro-Choice Christian Position Consistent with the Life and Teaching of Jesus

Seven Day Devotional

Download a 7-day devotional to help you and your church or small group learn how to pray effectively for the issue of abortion and the Sanctity of Human Life.

Twenty One Day Devotional

Download a 21-day devotional to help you and your church or small group learn how to pray effectively for the issue of abortion and the Sanctity of Human Life.

Sanctity of Human Life Resources for Kids & Families

 Resources for children including articles, blog posts and coloring sheets.